Listing of research core items
Ion mill
The Hitachi IM4000 can be used for cross-sectioning samples (usually for SEM viewing) or for polishing surfaces.
Iridium sputtering tool
Iridium is useful for coating samples before electron microscopy.
Keck Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics Resource
We provide efficient and cost-effective proteomics and state-of-the-art small-molecule mass spectrometry-based services.
Keck Microarray Shared Resource
Microarray platforms available for high-throughput gene-expression detection.
Keck Microarray instrumentation
Tools for nucleic acid isolation and assessment, microarray genotyping and gene expression profiling, single-cell genomics and proteomics analysis, spatial genomics analysis, and long-read sequencing.
Located within Keck Microarray Shared ResourcePrimary contact
Laser cutting
Our medium-power laser cutter can be best thought of as a computer-controlled bandsaw. Like the abrasive water jet, it is largely used to cut through flat material stock. It can also be used to etch various materials.
Located within Advanced Prototyping Center at Wright LabJames A. Nikkel, PhD
Leica SP5 confocal microscope
Leica SP5 confocal microscope
Located within Confocal Microscopy at CCMIMateus Guerra, PhD
Primary contact Associate Director -
Leica SP8 Gated STED 3X super resolution
Leica SP8 Gated STED 3X Super Resolution microscope
Located within Confocal Microscopy at CCMIMateus Guerra, PhD
Primary contact Associate Director -
Leica STELLARIS 8 TauSTED confocal microscope
Leica DM6 CS upright microscope with environmental control system.
Located within Light Microscope Imaging Facility on Science HillJoseph Wolenski, PhD
Light Microscope Imaging Facility on Science Hill
We provide training and access to a broad collection of shared confocal microscopes and lab support areas for sample preparation.
The cleanroom offers tools that provide a comprehensive solution for photolithography.
Located within Yale University Cleanroom -
Long reads sequencing: Oxford Nanopore
Oxford Nanopore is a long-read sequencing technology that utilizes an ionic current through nanopores and measures the changes in current as biological molecules pass through the nanopore or near it.
Located within Keck Microarray Shared ResourcePrimary contact