Cores Directory

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148 results found

Listing of research core items

  1. Core/facility
    Microscopic image of tissue at various magnifications

    Confocal Microscopy at CCMI

    We offer confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy, light-sheet microscopy, swept-field microscopy, super-resolution imaging, and image analysis services.

    Mateus Guerra, PhD

    Primary contact Associate Director
  2. Services

    Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 technique

    Gene knockout, single or a few nucleotides replacement and insert reporters in specific locus in hESCs and iPSCs using CRISPR/Cas9 technology.


  3. Core/facility

    Yale CryoEM Resource

    The Yale CryoEM Resource comprises electron microscopes on all 3 campuses: a Titan Krios on West Campus, a Glacios and a Tecnai T12 at Yale School of Medicine, and a Glacios and a Talos L120C on Science Hill.

    Jianfeng Lin, PhD

    Primary contact Managing Director
  4. Core/facility
    Person standing before a scientific apparatus

    CyTOF Facility

    The CyTOF 2 facility houses a time-of-flight atomic mass spectrometer for the high-speed acquisition of highly multi-parametric single-cell data.

    Liza Konnikova, MD, PhD

    Primary contact Director
  5. Core/facility

    Yale University Cytogenetics Laboratory

    The core provides testing for cancer predisposition, metabolic and developmental disorders.

  6. Instrument/equipment
    DSC 250 Zoom In

    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

    This instrument measures the heat flow of materials across phase transitions​. Technical specifications and limits of the equipment are listed below.

    Amit Datye, PhD

    Primary Contact
  7. Core/facility
    Keck DNA Seq

    Keck DNA Sequencing Facility

    Keck DNA Sequencing provides Sanger sequencing and other services, with costs starting as low as $1.99/well and $3.50/tube submission. Sequencing is performed using Thermo Fisher technologies.

    Keck DNA Sequencing

  8. Services

    DNA/RNA QC analysis service

    QC using the Agilent Tapestation 2200 allows researchers to analyze the quantity and size of DNA or RNA while using only a few microliters of precious sample.

  9. Instrument/equipment

    Dry and plasma etching

    Oxford 100 RIE-ICP and Glow Research AutoGlow

    Located within West Campus Cleanroom

    Lauren McCabe, PhD

    Primary contact
  10. Instrument/equipment
    DMA Zoomed Out

    Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)

    This instrument measures the dynamic and static deformation of solids in bending and tension.

    Amit Datye, PhD

    Primary Contact
  11. Core/facility

    Earth Materials Characterization Center (EMC2)

    We offer materials physics equipment including microscopy, spectroscopy, deformation tools, and sample-prep tools for sample characterization work.

    Jennifer Girard, PhD

    Primary contact Senior Research Scientist
  12. Instrument/equipment
    Researcher and participant in the EEG suite. Photo by Anton Grassl, courtesy of SmithGroup

    Electroencephalography (EEG)

    Electroencephalography (EEG) reveals brain function with millisecond precision by measuring, at the scalp, the minute magnetic fields generated by neural activity.

    Located within BrainWorks

    Roeland Hancock
