Two scientists alongside a hood

Funding opportunities

Find the right grants and funding opportunities for your research.

Securing external grant funding is crucial for Yale researchers. The tools below, which include databases and grant directories, will help you find organizations, foundations, government agencies, and corporations that fund projects similar to yours. 

Funding Opportunities newsletter

The Funding Opportunities newsletter is sent every Wednesday by the Office of the Provost. It contains a curated selection of internal funding, limited submissions, and select federal and foundation funding opportunities. Subscribe here under Research Administration or explore back issues. For further information, contact


Infoready is Yale’s grant management platform for internal and limited submission grants. Funding opportunities are also posted on Yale’s InfoReady Review website. Visit the site to search for funding opportunities in your particular area of interest.


The word SPIN in yellow sans-serif capital letters with a trademark sign

Yale subscribes to the InfoEd SPIN funding opportunities database. SPIN by InfoEd Global is the world’s largest database of funding opportunities, aimed at students, post-docs, faculty, academic staff, and other professionals. 

Federal grant opportunities and funded grants database

More such grant opportunities and awards can be found here.


QuantumCT is a joint initiative between Yale University and the University of Connecticut and funded by the National Science Foundation. The goal is to advance Connecticut’s position as a center of excellence in quantum and to accelerate the adoption of quantum technologies in Connecticut and beyond. Learn more about QuantumCT funding opportunities.