Research Strategy
Learn about what guides Yale's scientific research enterprise.
Yale’s excellence in scientific and technological research is pushing the boundaries of knowledge, guided by Yale’s mission to improve the world today and for future generations.
The university is renowned for both discovery and teaching. Faculty advance discoveries and further innovation while preparing the next generation of scientific leaders. As a unified, innovative, and accessible student-centered research university, Yale’s labs and classrooms are turning out future innovators in many areas of research excellence, from biotechnology and environmental science to oncology, neuroscience, data science, and quantum computing.
A strategic plan for science at Yale
In 2017, a group of Yale faculty members was charged with helping to create a strategic plan for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) at Yale and to shape the university’s scientific priorities and investments for the coming decades.
After months of work, the University Science Strategy Committee (USSC) released recommendations that led Yale to adopt five strategic priorities in science and engineering as well as cross-cutting initiatives to support all STEM fields.
- Data science and computer science
- Inflammation science
- Neuroscience
- Planetary solutions
- Quantum science and engineering
- Cross-cutting initiatives
Today, Yale continues to build investments in these areas to bolster Yale’s position as a leading global research university.
Office of the Vice Provost for Research
Science and engineering research takes place all over the Yale campus. Together with partners in Yale’s administration, in the schools, and in centers and institutes, the Vice Provost for Research leads a team of colleagues to advance the university’s research mission and oversees several central offices that support research endeavors all over campus.
Research at Yale
This website was developed in response to the USSC’s call for a comprehensive directory of research core facilities. The site also serves as a central hub for scientific research resources and news.
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Yale Planetary Solutions
Accelerating planetary solutions for a better world

Quantum at Yale
Untangling mysteries at the quantum scale

AI at Yale
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