Research cores
Discover state-of-the-art scientific instruments and services for your research.
From spectrophotometry to microscopy to high-throughput arrays, Yale’s research cores provide researchers access to state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation with the intent to help push scientific research to the cutting edge. Each core employs highly trained staff that may provide training and assistance with use of instrumentation as well as aid in experimental design.
To learn more about the capabilities and instrumentation available in any of the cores, please visit their website and be in touch with the core’s primary contact. You can search the Cores directory for the particular service or instrument you're looking for.
The Yale Cores Program is implementing a university-wide core management software, PPMS. This software will allow users to centrally access cores in one convenient location, making for a more cohesive research experience.
External users
Many of Yale’s core services and instrumentation are available to external academic, industrial and government researchers. The Cores Directory provides the ability to screen cores that have such services available. Please contact the individual core for more information on available services and onboarding procedures.
Search the cores
Find the research core, instruments, and services you need to conduct research.
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If you're a core director or staff member, it's important to keep your page up to date. See the FAQ at https://research.yale.edu/cores/cores-pages-faq-directors, then access your editing privileges and staff support here.
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