QuantumCT funding opportunities
Find your next source of support for quantum research
By sharing these resources we hope to encourage:
- Grant submissions, particularly in 2024
- Cross-institution applications, not only among UConn and Yale, but also with other schools and colleges in CT, especially minority-serving institutions
- Submissions for projects whose education and workforce development component may be provided by partnering with the QuantumCT workforce and education team
- Submissions for the development of education materials with a quantum science theme that can be facilitated by partnering with a QuantumCT research team
We strongly encourage faculty with a research interest in quantum and quantum-adjacent technologies to consider applying. A full list of available grant opportunities is available. Please contact FRMS regarding your intent to apply and cc the Office of Research Development (internal.proposals@yale.edu).
Information about quantum education and workforce initiatives that may align with your proposal, including at Yale, UConn, and other Connecticut and minority-serving institutions, is available at QuantumCT.
Are you affiliated with an historically Black college or university (HBCU)? Are you interested in collaborating with HBCU researchers? Learn about grants, fellowships, and faculty collaboration opportunities through Yale's ASCEND initiative with HBCUs across the country. Individuals with a keen interest in quantum technologies are urged to apply.
Grant opportunities in research and in workforce & education
Research opportunities: Workforce/education opportunities: