Cores Directory

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69 results found

Listing of research core items

  1. Core/facility

    Macromolecular Structure Analysis Consultation

    We advise on the analysis of experimental charge density maps and electrostatic potential maps, large-scale structures, X-ray crystallography, cryoEM, and spectroscopic data, as well as on macromolecule structure illustration.

    Jimin Wang, PhD

    Primary contact Research Scientist
  2. Instrument/equipment
    Scientist and participant inn the BrainWorks MRI. Photo by Anton Grassl, courtesy of SmithGroup

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    MRI reveals the structure and function of the brain at high spatial resolution.

    Located within BrainWorks

    Roeland Hancock

    Director, BrainWorks
  3. Core/facility

    Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC)

    The core provides state-of-the-art MR equipment, infrastructure, and expertise for the development and application of MRI and MRS methodology in biomedical research.

    Robert Fulbright, MD

    Medical Director
  4. Instrument/equipment
    Photo of MEGIN TRUIX Neo system and shielded room.


    MEG measures the weak magnetic fields generated by the electrical activity of the brain.

    Located within BrainWorks

    Roeland Hancock

    Director, BrainWorks
  5. Instrument/equipment
    Scientist and participant in the OPM room. Photo by Anton Grassl, courtesy of SmithGroup

    Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) reveals brain function with millisecond precision by measuring the minute magnetic fields generated by neural activity.

    Located within BrainWorks

    William Mennie

    Research Associate
  6. Instrument/equipment


    Zygo 3D Optical Profiler, Olympus Optical Microscope, and Celestron Stereo Microscope

    Located within West Campus Cleanroom

    Lauren McCabe, PhD

    Primary contact
  7. Instrument/equipment


    A microtome makes possible the sectioning of soft material for TEM analysis.

    Sungwoo Sohn, PhD

    Associate Director of Facilities
  8. Instrument/equipment

    Motion capture and immersive lab

    Our motion capture and immersive technology room provides a large area for interaction and movement.

    Located within BrainWorks

    Roeland Hancock

  9. Services

    Data storage and computing

    BrainWorks data products are archived, processed, and shared on the Milgram computing cluster.

    Located within BrainWorks

    Roeland Hancock

    Director, BrainWorks
  10. Services


    Pavlovia is a platform for running and sharing online experiments.

    Located within BrainWorks

    Roeland Hancock

  11. Instrument/equipment
    A researcher and child in the OPM suite

    Optically pumped magnetoencephalography

    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) reveals brain function with millisecond precision by measuring the minute magnetic fields generated by neural activity.

    Located within BrainWorks

    William Mennie

    Neurophysiology Research Associate
  12. Instrument/equipment


    Suss UV Mask Aligner and Heidelberg μMLA Maskless Aligner

    Located within West Campus Cleanroom

    Lauren McCabe, PhD

    Primary contact