LSM 880 Confocal Microscope
Joseph Wolenski, PhD
Yale Science Building, room C181D
About the instrument
Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 inverted microscope
Available to Yale researchers only
Laser lines:
Argon: 458, 488, 514 nm
Diode: 405 nm
DPSS: 561 nm
HeNe: 633 nm
ZEN 2.1 software
Experiment Designer
Time Lapse
Image analysis
Temperature and CO2 controlled stage incubator for imaging live samples
Definite Focus
Point scanning photo stimulation (1P)
Spectral unmixing
Colocalization module
Measurement module
File format:
HXP fluorescence illuminator and fluorescent filters for ocular viewing:
Filter Set 43: Alexa 546, Bodipy, Cy3, DsRed, dTomato, mOrange, Rhodamine
Filter Set 49: DAPI, Hoechst, BFP, Indo-1.
Filter Set 38: GFP, Alexa 488, CFP, FITC.
Objectives: fluorescence, brightfield and DIC
EC Plan-Neofluar 10x/0.30 NA WD=5.2 mm
Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8 NA WD=0.55 mm
Plan-Apochromat 40x/1.3 NA oil
Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.40 NA oil
Alpha Plan-Apochromat 100x/1.46 NA oil
Spectral detection using 3 PMTs
Rate for FY 24: $48.88/hour
Monthly billing is not capped as of August 1, 2021.