Electron-beam lithography

Sungwoo Sohn, PhD

Associate Director of Facilities

Malone Engineering Center, room 003B

About the instruments

For nanoscale patterning, the Raith EBPG 5000+ and EBPG 5200+ electron-beam lithography systems provide 100 kV patterning of 10 nm-scale devices. These electron-beam writers are fully automated, with a laser-guided substrate stage providing 15 nm field stitching, 15 nm overlay accuracy, laser height measurement for automatic focus adjustment, and metrology functions for self-calibration. The EBPG is highly regarded for its ease of use and very flexible control software. Yale programs utilizing electron beam lithography include research in optical waveguides, quantum computing, electron transport physics, and photonic bandgap engineering.

Scientific apparatus

Available to Yale researchers & external researchers


 EBPG 5000+EBPG 5200+
Accel. voltage100 kV100 kV
Beam current0.5 to 150 nA0.5 to 350 nA
Min spot size4 nm4 nm
Min line width10 nm10 nm
Max clock50 MHz125 MHz
Substrate size1 to 15 cm (6 inch)1 to 20 cm (8 inch)
Detectorsscintillator backscatter                         scintillator backscatter and biased secondary ET detector
Loader10 holder10 holder
Max field1 mm1 mm


Rates in US$/hour unless otherwise noted

 Yale academicExternal academicIndustrial      
SEM, Hitachi3761215
AFM, Bruker3558105
e-beam, EBPG100165300
TEM, FEI Osiris100165300
Ion mill, Fischione 3761111
Ion mill, Hitachi3761111
Gold sputtering203276
Iridium sputtering203276
Microtome, Leica305090
HSQ resist, 4 ml25 ea41 ea75 ea
CSAR resist, 4 ml20 ea33 ea60 ea
Dektak profilometer101645

Training & services

EBPG training is now an online Yale Canvas course, which covers machine hardware, CAD, data preparation, and job setup. Please contact the YINQE staff for an invitation to enroll. After you complete the course, you will do hands-on training with the EBPG e-beam system, using a video-based course similar to the ones used for SEM and TEM.

In case you would like to see the course material without enrolling, here are the presentations. Feel free to plagiarize with impunity. No permissions or citations are required.


Choosing parameters

EBPG hardware


Layout CAD tutorial

Getting the least from your e-beam

Beamer 4.2.0 tutorial (used on the ebpg-5000)

Beamer 6.1.1 tutorial (used on the ebpg-5200)

Cjob tutorial

Living With E-beam Drift

E-beam prep tools

Bruker Dektak XT stylus profilometer

The Bruker Dektak profilometer measures step heights, surface profiles and roughness using a stylus with a 12.5um radius tip. Step heights can range from ~5 nm to 1 mm, with scan lengths up to 55mm. The stylus force is usually set to 10mg, but can be set below 1mg for soft materials. 3D imaging (using 2D scans) can be done, although this is rather slow compared to an optical profilometer.

Cressington 208 iridium sputtering tool

Iridium is useful for coating samples before electron microscopy. The Cressington 208 iridium sputtering tool provides very smooth, conformal coatings which are free of the grain structure found in films of Au or Au-Pd. Chromium would also be a good choice for coating SEM samples, but iridium oxidizes much more slowly, and so has an advantage over fine-grained chromium films. 

A sputter coater for gold is located next to the chromium system. Gold is used for coating electron-beam resist before lithography, but is not a good choice for SEM samples.