Yale Institute for Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering (YINQE)

Sungwoo Sohn, PhD

Primary contact Associate Director of Facilities

Malone Engineering Center, 55 Prospect Street, room 003

About the core

The Yale Institute for Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering (YINQE) is a shared core facility for electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and electron-beam lithography. Graduate students, undergraduates, postdocs, and faculty have hands-on access to all instruments.

  • Electron microscopy: FEI Tecnai Osiris 200kV TEM and Hitachi SU-70 SEM
  • Electron-beam lithography: Raith EBPG 5000+ and EBPG 5200+
  • Atomic force microscopy: Bruker Dimension Fastscan AFM

Available to Yale researchers & external researchers

Core website

Explore downloads

EBPG Fun Pak, GDSII tools, and more.


Other US facilities

Explore nanoscience and quantum resources around the country

See list


Rates in US$/hour unless otherwise noted

 Yale academicExternal academicIndustrial      
SEM, Hitachi3761215
AFM, Bruker3558105
e-beam, EBPG100165300
TEM, FEI Osiris55165300
Ion mill, Fischione 3761111
Ion mill, Hitachi3761111
Gold sputtering203276
Iridium sputtering203276
Microtome, Leica305090
HSQ resist, 4 ml25 ea41 ea75 ea
CSAR resist, 4 ml20 ea33 ea60 ea
Dektak profilometer101645

Apply for an account

Yale people

Send your account code to the YINQE staff, or enter it in the training reservation, so that we can set up your account for you. This account code is called a “COA.” Ask your advisor or business manager for this COA account code. Please include your advisor’s name.

Outside users

Please send email to YINQE so that we can set up your account. You are required to submit an additional form, called the Memo Of Understanding, and to provide an insurance rider described in that form.


After you receive an email about your new YINQE account,


This should download “badger.jnlp”. Look for this file in your “Downloads” folder, or find it listed at the bottom of your browser window. If your browser is blocking this download, try downloading this copy (which is inside a zip archive file.)

Double-click on the badger.jnlp file to install Badger. You may see pop-up warnings about security and certificates, etc. Click OK to install.  Badger requires Java to be installed on your computer. See below.

Use the “Lost Password?” button on the login to receive a temporary password. Use the Badger menu “Window -> Change Password” to set a more convenient password.

Sign up for equipment training. You must provide a COA when you sign up for a training session, unless you already have a YINQE account.

Installing Java
  • For Windows and Mac: Download and install Java from Oracle.
  • Apple does not support Java on the iPad or iPhone, so you are out of luck.
  • Android does not run Java and it is not worth the effort to jailbreak your device just for Badger.

Manuals & documentation

Cheat sheets

Hitachi SU70 SEM  
FEI Osiris TEM (v6) 
Bruker Fastscan AFM 

E-beam resist processes

Local wisdom  

Bilayer PMMA / P(MMA-MAA)
HSQ resist; see also HSQ essential tips from the FAQ files
Conducting layer for HSQ resist
Development of PMMA in IPA/water
Conducting layers for insulating substrates

Remote wisdom 

Caltech - PMMA, ma-N, SML, PMMA bilayer, ZEP (CSAR)
Un. Minnesota PMMA/PMGI bilayer
Cornell - PMMA, NEB, ZEP (CSAR), HSQ (Dow XR1541), ma-N
Development of PMMA in ethanol/water, aka “Development characteristics of polymethyl methacrylate in alcohol/water mixtures: a lithography and Raman spectroscopy study,” L.E. Ocola, M. Costales, D.J. Gosztola, Nanotechnology, Volume 27, Number 3

Electron-beam lithography training material

EBPG training is now an online Yale Canvas course. Yale students should contact the YINQE staff for an invitation to enroll. This training course is also available here for people outside of Yale.

E-beam tips and tricks

For EBPG e-beam users
For EBPG system administrators


University of Minnesota EBPG Wiki
Caltech EBPG (Note that some procedures described here are not allowed at Yale. Be sure to ask permission before trying anything new)


Primary contact

Sungwoo Sohn, PhD Associate Director of Facilities

Director of Facilities

Michael Rooks

Faculty Director

Charles Ahn, PhD William K. Lanman, Jr. Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Mechanical Engineering and of Physics