Schedule training
Video-based training courses for all YINQE instruments
SEM training
We have recorded a set of video clips for SEM training. You will be at the SEM, watching and copying the videos, while the instuctor is nearby and available for questions. You will stop the videos at various times so that the instructor can check your progress. This seems to work pretty well, and people like going through the course at their own pace. You might take one hour, or you might take four hours. It’s up to you.
Sign up for SEM training by using this appointment calendar.
TEM training
We have recorded a set of video clips for TEM training. It’s the same idea as our SEM training (see above.) Sign up for TEM training by using this appointment calendar. The hard part of TEM training is showing you how to use the load lock. But we found a way! The Gibbs shop made us a “load lock simulator” that lets you practice without abusing the vacuum pumps. Neat!
AFM training
We have recorded a set of video clips for AFM training. It’s the same idea as our SEM training (see above.) Sign up for AFM training by using this appointment calendar.
e-beam lithography training
e-beam training starts with an online course, which covers machine hardware, CAD, data preparation, and job setup. Send a request to the YINQE staff to get started with the online course. After you complete the course, you will do hands-on training with the EBPG e-beam system, using a video-based course similar to the ones used for SEM and TEM.
Microtome training
We have recorded a set of video clips for microtome (diamond knife) training. It’s the same idea as our SEM training (see above.) Sign up for microtome training by using this appointment calendar. Your group will have to purchase a diamond knife. Glass knives will not cut the mustard, so don’t even think about it. If you need just one sample, then you should go to the Medical School or to an outside service. This course covers the simplest procedure, using epoxy embedding and room-temperature slicing. For instruction on staining and low-temperature microtome techniques, contact the Yale Medical School EM facility.