Atomic force microscopy

Sungwoo Sohn, PhD

Associate Director of Facilities

Malone Engineering Center, room 003B

About the instrument

A Bruker Dimension Fastscan AFM provides atomic force microscopy in both air and fluids using the new “Peak Force” tapping mode as well as very high speed resonant tapping mode. In addition to the usual height and phase images, this instrument can calculate and map mechanical properties such as stiffness, modulus, and adhesion, with sample sizes as large as 200 mm. The AFM is equipped with both “Fastscan” and “Icon” scanning heads. The Fastscan head is easier to use and (of course) faster, while the Icon head has a larger range in X, Y, and Z. 

Scientific apparatus

Bruker Fastscan cheat sheet

Available to Yale researchers & external researchers


Detailed specifications of the Fastscan AFM can be found here. 


Rates in US$/hour unless otherwise noted

 Yale academicExternal academicIndustrial      
SEM, Hitachi3761215
AFM, Bruker3558105
e-beam, EBPG100165300
TEM, FEI Osiris100165300
Ion mill, Fischione 3761111
Ion mill, Hitachi3761111
Gold sputtering203276
Iridium sputtering203276
Microtome, Leica305090
HSQ resist, 4 ml25 ea41 ea75 ea
CSAR resist, 4 ml20 ea33 ea60 ea
Dektak profilometer101645

Training & services

We have recorded a set of video clips for AFM training. You will be at the AFM, watching and copying the videos, while the instructor is nearby and available for questions. You will stop the videos at various times so that the instructor can check your progress. This seems to work pretty well, and people like going through the course at their own pace. You might take one hour, or you might take four hours. It’s up to you. Sign up for AFM training by using this appointment calendar.


Michael Rooks