Instrument/equipment Core/facility: West Campus Analytical Core

Mass spectrometry

Terence Wu


600 West Campus Drive (MIC)

About the instruments

All our mass spectrometers are located at 600 West Campus Drive (MIC), room 109.

 Agilent LCMS 6120Bw/ 1260 HPLCManual & SOP
 Agilent 7890A/5975CAgilent GCMSManual
 Agilent 6490 QQQ 1w/ 1290 UHPLCManual
Agilent 6495C QQQ 2w/ 1290 UHPLC
Agilent 6550A QTOF 1 w/ 1290 UHPLCManual
Agilent 6550A QTOF 2w/ 1290 UHPLCx
Agilent 6546 QTOF 3w/1290 InfinityII LC
Thermo Q-Exactive Plusw/easynano 1200 LCManual
Thermo EclipseUHPLC
Vanquish Neo

Available to Yale researchers & external researchers


Internal (Yale) users
ModelReservationRate, $
Agilent GCMSWalk-in6 per injection
Agilent SQ-LCMSWalk-in4 per injection
Agilent 6550 QTOF 1 & 2Reservation8 per injection
Agilent 6546 QTOF 3Reservation8 per injection
Agilent QQQ 6490 -LCMSReservation8 per injection
Agilent QQQ 6495C -LCMSReservation8 per injection
Agilent 1100 HPLC w UV detectReservation6 per injection
Thermo Eclipse Orbitrap MSReservationContact us
External (non-Yale) users: Contact us for reservations
ModelNot-for-profit users' rate, $For-profit users' rate, $
Agilent GCMSContact usContact us
Agilent SQ-LCMS  
Agilent 6550 QTOF 1 & 2  
Agilent 6546 QTOF 3  
Agilent QQQ 6490 -LCMS  
Agilent QQQ 6495C -LCMS  
Agilent 1100 HPLC w UV detect