Macromolecular Structure Analysis Consultation

We advise on the analysis of experimental charge density maps and electrostatic potential maps, large-scale structures, X-ray crystallography, cryoEM, and spectroscopic data, as well as on macromolecule structure illustration.

Jimin Wang, PhD

Primary contact Research Scientist
Hours & Location

Bass Center for Molecular and Structural Biology, room 341

About the core

Dr. Jimin Wang is an expert in developing new methods for quantitative analysis of experimental charge density maps and electrostatic potential maps and in analyzing molecular dynamics trajectories and other large-scale structural analysis.

Dr. Wang has recently developed very sensitive methods to detect subtle changes in cryo-EM maps associated with effects of single-amino acid substitutions in proteins, binding of small ligands to proteins, or charge changes in metalloenzymes at relatively low resolution even when the identity of amino acids could not be recognized. 

He is available to perform and/or advise on many software packages to generate publication-quality illustrations of high-resolution macromolecular structures, analysis of X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM data. Some spectroscopic data analysis is also available.



Primary contact

Jimin Wang, PhD Research Scientist

Faculty Director

Yong Xiong, PhD Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry