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Listing of research core items
Pavlovia is a platform for running and sharing online experiments.
Located within BrainWorksRoeland Hancock
Director -
Optically pumped magnetoencephalography
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) reveals brain function with millisecond precision by measuring the minute magnetic fields generated by neural activity.
Located within BrainWorks -
Suss UV Mask Aligner and Heidelberg μMLA Maskless Aligner
Located within West Campus Cleanroom -
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
The core comprises a radiochemistry laboratory developing PET radiopharmaceuticals and an imaging and data analysis section that oversees scanning procedures and optimizes data acquisition and analysis.
Sona participant recruitment
Our SONA platform efficiently recruits and screens participants across Connecticut for behavioral and imaging research studies at Yale.
Located within BrainWorks -
This instrument measures the dynamic and static deformation of solids and liquids in tension, compression, and shear. Technical specifications and limits of the equipment are listed below.
Located within Mechanical and Thermal Analysis Instrumentation Core (MTAIC) -
SC208 Carbon evaporation coater
The 208C High Vacuum Turbo Carbon Coater from Cressington offers high quality carbon coating techniques for TEM, STEM, SEM, EDS/WDS, EBSD and microprobe applications. The practical chamber size of 150mm diameter allows for rapid pump down and coating cycle times of around 10 minutes (4e-5 mbar). The use of ultra purity carbon rods in a high vacuum chamber gives the high quality coating needed for critical TEM, EBSD, high resolution SEM and microprobe work.
Located within Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopy (ACEM) CoreACEM Core
SC 28 Site monitoring tool
Please contact Dr. Shize Yang for more details.
Located within Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopy (ACEM) Core -
Spectra Ultra Scanning Tranmission electron microscope
The tool has just arrived at the warehouse.
Located within Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopy (ACEM) Core -
Stellaris 8 DIVE multiphoton/confocal microscope
Stellaris 8 DIVE multiphoton/confocal microscope
Located within Confocal Microscopy at CCMIMateus Guerra, PhD
Primary contact Associate Director -
Stylus profilometer
The Bruker Dektak XT stylus profilometer measures step heights, surface profiles and roughness using a stylus with a 12.5 um radius tip.