Cores pages FAQ for directors

Learn to create and edit your core's website on Research at Yale. This page is both a FAQ and a demonstration.

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This video will walk you through the three types of pages at Research at Yale: (1) Core/facility pages (the landing or welcome page), (2) Offerings pages (which showcases either Instruments/Equipment or Services), and (3) General pages, for everything else.

Video training Content entry training guide

Body section

Welcome to the FAQ! This is the Body of a Core landing page, which can contain a variety of content. Most cores will include a paragraph or more of explanatory text in this section.

Cores websites on Research at Yale have 3 page template types:

  1. The Core/Facility or landing page. This page is an example of that type. Every core has one. 
  2. The Offerings page(s). These pages showcase either Instruments/Equipment or Services offered by the core, either individually or grouped by type.
  3. General page(s). These pages can house various kinds of information that don't fit neatly onto the other templates.

How do I get access to edit and make pages?

Request access from Jenny Blair or Lisa D'Angelo by giving them a Yale email address--preferably one that is user-agnostic and linked to your core, such as, or alternatively that of a person likely to be affiliated with your core for the foreseeable future. 

Once you receive your username and password, be sure to change the password upon first logging in.

Where do I log in?

How do I create a new page?

On the upper left, click on Content>Add Content. Select Core/Facility if you're creating your core's landing page, Offering if you're describing one or more instruments or services, or General for miscellaneous content. 

How do I edit (an) existing page(s)?

First, request access to the page(s), then when you receive it, either surf to the page's URL or click on Content and find the page on the list. Click the blue Edit button on the lower right of your screen.

Why did you edit my Summary section?

It was probably too long. The Summary section is intended to display as a short amount of text (less than 200 characters) in the search results page. If you put a lot of text in here, I may move some of it down to the Body section. 

Should I Use Title Case or Should I use sentence case in headings?

Please use sentence case.

I'm editing my core's homepage, trying to create an Instruments/Equipment or a Services Page, but it won't let me even start.

Yes, this is a bit confusing. You can't create or edit Instruments/Equipment or Services pages (collectively, Offerings) from the landing page. Instead, you create Offerings pages fresh. Those boxes you are trying to interact with are just to tell the landing page, "Go look for the Offerings pages I've created elsewhere and make them show up on the landing page." Moreover, the Offerings pages won't show up till everything is published by an editor.

So head out of your core's homepage, then try clicking, on the upper left when you're logged in, Content>Add Content>Offering to create one or more Offerings pages. You'll notice that, toward the top of the form, you have to tell the page which core to link to. That's another key step in getting them to populate. 

But what do I do with the Instruments/Equipment and Services parts of the landing page form? Am I supposed to be creating excerpts? It won't let me edit.

Just ignore them. They will automatically populate, display excerpts, and look nice once those Offerings pages exist and are linked and published.

I edited a page. Why can't I get it to publish?

It has to do with permissions. As a core director or affiliate, you have Content Editor privileges, but someone in the office of the Vice Provost for Research will edit, proofread and publish the pages. 

If you've edited a page created by another user, as is the case with most core landing pages, choose Under Review from the drop-down list at the end of the editing window.

If you've created a new page or edited a page you created, choose Needs Review from the drop-down list at the end of the editing window. 

The changes will be reviewed and published within a few days in most cases. If you need faster attention, notify  Jenny Blair or Lisa D'Angelo

Can I host videos on my Research at Yale website?

No, but you can link to videos at YouTube, Vimeo, or OneDrive.

Examples of what can go in the Body section


Yale University Cleanroom_main

Simple tables:

ServiceYale usersNon-Yale users
Sequencing$50 each$55 each

Video links:


Callout block

This optional component can call attention to frequently-used URLs or documents.

Cores directory search Funding opportunities


This is a more detailed contact section. Consider including, e.g., delivery address or drop-off instructions.

Faculty advisor

John Smith Professor of Physics

Callout block

Consider linking here to a General page that includes headshots in a Profile Section.



Both this Cores/Facility landing page and Offerings pages include the option for a Rates section. Consider posting a simple table:

DNA analysis$100$120
Microscope time$60/hour$68/hour

Optional callout block

Call attention to, e.g., special rates here.

Optional link

Images Tab

Here you can include images and text related to your core. 

Do not use this to display Offerings (such as instruments, equipment, or services) on the Core/Facility landing page. You may use it to display Offerings on an Offerings page, as the University Cleanroom did on their Back end processing Offerings page.

Science-themed stickers in clear plastic bags

Services are available most weeks of the year.

DNA Analysis Service

Drop off your samples from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday at our lab.

Extra Tab