Resource directory
The university offers a wide range of resources to support its researchers and their ambitions. A comprehensive list of these research-related resources is available and searchable in the directory below.
Working Alone In Laboratories
- Policies & regulations
If an individual is severely injured while working alone, they may be unable to call for emergency assistance. To mitigate this risk, this policy sets standards for working alone in laboratories.
Yale Astronomy Public Data
- Faculty resources
- Research administration & collaboration
Explore products of the Department of Astronomy.
Yale Cancer Center: Biomedical Informatics
- Faculty resources
Biomedical Informatics activities for translational research for Yale Cancer Center are coordinated by the Yale Center for Medical Informatics (YCMI) and Yale Pathology Informatics, whose activities focus broadly on the creative use of computing in clinical, neuro-, and genome informatics.
Yale Centers and Institutes
- Faculty resources
- Research administration & collaboration
Discover all the ways Yale scholars are advancing the fields of humanities, arts, social sciences, medicine, science, and engineering.
Yale Developer Portal
- Faculty resources
The Yale API Portal is your starting place to obtain a variety of data sets relevant to Yale. Explore this site to find APIs, learn how to use them, and connect with the Yale Developer Community.
Yale News
- Faculty resources
The latest university news from the Office of Public Affairs & Communications.
Yale Open Data Access
- Faculty resources
- Research administration & collaboration
YODA’s mission is to advocate for the responsible sharing of clinical research data, open science, and research transparency.
Yale School of Medicine PreAward Team (YPAT)
- Funding, awards, grants
- Faculty resources
Our services include support for proposal development, pre-proposals or Letters of Intent (LOIs), Just-In-Time (JIT) requests, and assistance navigating sponsor policies and interpreting guidelines.
Yale Undergraduate Research Association (YURA)
- Faculty resources
- Funding, awards, grants
Here undergraduates can find potential faculty or graduate student research mentors, submit research to the Yale Undergraduate Research Journal (YURJ), and apply to present at the Yale Undergraduate Research Symposium (YURS).
Yale Undergraduate Research Association (YURA) Research Database
- Research administration & collaboration
- Faculty resources
Browse undergraduate research.
Yale Ventures: Colton Center for Autoimmunity
- Faculty resources
- Research administration & collaboration
The Colton Center for Autoimmunity at Yale, established by a generous gift from Judith and Stewart Colton, is dedicated to advancing innovative and translational research in autoimmune and allergic diseases.
Yale Ventures: Corporate Strategy and Engagement Office (CSEO)
- Research administration & collaboration
- Faculty resources
We focus on cultivating, developing, and managing corporate partnerships that are aligned with Yale’s scientific, engineering, and healthcare innovators to advance discovery, research, and trainee development.
Yale Ventures: Disclose an Idea
- Faculty resources
Would you like help translating your academic discovery into products and services that benefit society? Please submit your idea to Yale Ventures and a member of the Yale Ventures Business Development team will be in touch with you soon.
Yale Ventures: Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIRs)
- Faculty resources
- Research administration & collaboration
Yale Ventures Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIRs) have deep operational experience and have gone through the process of turning new technologies to new businesses. These experts act as an early “sounding board” for Yale innovators contemplating a new startup.