Tube sequencing
If you are submitting more than 24 samples at a time, we recommend submitting in plate format rather than in single tubes. For information on how to submit in this format, please visit the following page:
Sanger sequencing template prep instructions
2uL 4uM Primer + DNA(see table) + (sterile H2O, if necessary) = 18uL
Product type Product size DNA (ng) Ordering notes PCR 100-300 bp 40-50 *Can be ordered with Difficult Template or shRNA protocol 300-500 bp 40-160 500-1000 bp 500 Plasmid 1000-1500 Single-stranded M13 or phagemic DNA 200-300 Order as single-stranded BAC and phage lambda DNA 4000 Order as BAC - Each reaction should include 2uL of a 4uM Primer. One primer per reaction.
- The total volume should be 18uL. If extra volume needed, use sterile H2O.
Data Return
You can check the status of your order on the Sample Submission Page by selecting CHECK EXISTING ORDERS.
Sanger sequencing: tubes
Standard turnaround time for Sanger sequencing is 1 business day. Yale users will receive priority over non-Yale users. If your samples are RUSH samples, please make us aware of this before we receive your submission.
Sample submissionSubmission instructions
All samples must be submitted premixed, with (1) primer and (1) template in a single tube.

0.5 ml freestanding tube
Tube specifications
Tube submissions for Sanger sequencing must be freestanding tubes with a 0.5 ml interior that is not at the bottom of the tube. Individual tube reactions submitted in any other tube type will not be accepted. We will ask you to resubmit, or we will charge a tube transfer fee. Please refer to our Plasticware requirements page for acceptable tubes for sequencing submission.

Tube with researcher code & template-primer name
Labeling instructions
Please label the submission with your researcher code and at least 1 other identifier, such as the template name, primer name, barcode; or it can also be labeled in numerical order. Be sure to make each name unique and easily identifiable so as to ease the sample intake process.

ONLY Yale users need barcodes on tube submissions. Barcodes are available over the counter in the Kline and Medical Stockrooms, at our Med School dropoff locations, and at 300 George Street, room 2127 at no additional cost.

Incorrect horizontal barcode placement & correct vertical barcode placement
Barcode placement
Place barcode on tube vertically. DO NOT place barcode on tube horizontally!!