Plasticware requirements

Keck DNA Sequencing requires users to submit in plastics that are compatible with our robotics. Most of these plastics are located in Yale stockrooms or can be ordered on SciQuest.

Acceptable tube types

For TapeStation QC:

Any tube type and size is acceptable, as long as the samples are clearly labeled.

For Sanger sequencing:

Tube submissions must be freestanding with a 0.5ml interior that is not located at the bottom of the tube. 

DOT Scientific 914-NC

Individual tube reactions submitted in any other tube type will not be accepted. We will ask you to resubmit or we will charge a tube transfer fee. Here are some examples of acceptable tubes types:

DOT Scientific screw cap tubes.  914-NC (tubes) and 503-SC (caps)

Genesee Scientific: 21-258 tubes with caps

USA Scientific: 1405-9700 tubes with caps (any color)

VWR Labcon: 76417-162 tubes with customizable caps, and 89004-284 tubes with green caps

Keck DNA Sequencing

Standard turnaround time is 1 business day*. (*CLA turnaround time is 5 business days.) Yale users will receive priority over non-Yale users. If your samples are RUSH samples, please make us aware of this before we receive your submission.

Sample submission

Acceptable 96-well plate types

For Sanger sequencing and PCR purification:

All high-volume plate submissions must be submitted in 2 mL 96-well plates with clear wells, and sealed with strip caps or sealing film/foil. If submitted incorrectly, we will require samples transfer to a compatible plate. There is a fee associated with the sample transfer. For specific plate types, check out the photo catalog at the bottom of this page.

For fragment analysis:

All samples must be submitted in a (non-fully-skirted) 96-well optical plate with clear 2 mL wells. If using plates with thicker plastic, the angled corner must be in A12. Fast plates will not work with our instrumentation and will require samples transfer to a compatible plate. There is a fee associated with the sample transfer. (See RATES section.)

  • Angled corner in A12 of plate
  • These are some examples of acceptable plate types: For more, see the photo catalog at the bottom of this page.
  • ABI MicroAmp Optical plates, part #N801-0560.
  • USA Scientific TempPlate, part #1402-9596
  • Thomas Scientific Non-Skirted PCR plates, part #1148A37

Eppendorf plates

Eppendorf's un-skirted plates are acceptable for all services. Eppendorf's fully skirted and semi-skirted plates are acceptable for Sanger Sequencing & PCR Purifiction, but NOT Fragment Analysis

Eppendorf twin.tec® PCR Plate 96 LoBind®

Fully-skirted plates

Microbiology plate (0030129300) *also comes in blue (0030129318)

Twin.Tec plate (951020401) *also comes in colors

Twin-Tec LoBind plate (0030129512) *also comes in colors



Eppendorf twin.tec® PCR Plate 96 LoBind®

Semi-skirted plates

Microbiology plate (0030129326) *also comes in blue (030129334)

Twin.Tec plate, individually wrapped (0030129610)

Twin.Tec plate (951020303) *also comes in colors

Twin.Tec LoBind plate (0030129504)

Eppendorf twin.tec® PCR Plate 96, low profile

Unskirted plates

Twin.Tec plate (0030133366) *also comes in blue (0030133390)

Twin.Tec plate, low profile (0030133307) *also comes in blue (0030133331)