Plate sequencing
Plate-based sequencing is a cost-effective and time-saving service recommended for those experienced in their methodology for template and primer preparation.
Minimum charge for this service is 48 samples, but you may submit fewer. We sequence and charge for all samples submitted on the plate, regardless of the results, unless it is a clear technical error on our part.
Data Return
Standard turnaround time for Sanger services is 1 business day. You can check the status of your order on the sample submission page by selecting CHECK EXISTING ORDERS.
Sanger sequencing: plates
Standard turnaround time is 1 business day*. (*CLA turnaround time is 5 business days.) Yale users will receive priority over non-Yale users. If your samples are RUSH samples, please make us aware of this before we receive your submission.
Sample submission Sample sheet template for plate submissionsSubmission requirements
Each well of your plate should contain (1) primer and (1) template.
Plate specifications
All 96-well plate submissions must be submitted in semi-skirted, 2 mL 96-well plates with clear wells, and sealed with strip caps or sealing film/foil. For more acceptable plate types, please visit our Plasticware requirements page.
Incorrect plate type
This plate is an example of an incorrect submission. It is fully skirted. It also has opaque wells. We need the wells to be transparent so we can verify that sample is present, and it helps us to verify the processing is correct.
Labeling and sealing instructions
Be sure to label your submission with your researcher code and your unique plate name.
Cap the plate firmly using the strip caps or sealing film and wrap each plate with parafilm. (Sealing film is preferable to strip caps.)
Correct plate setup
When submitting fewer than 96 samples on a plate, please submit the samples in consecutive rows. Begin filling the wells at A1 through A12, then B1-B12, C1-12, etc.. If there are any empty wells in the middle of your submission, you will be charged for them.
Incorrect plate setup
This plate is filled incorrectly; it has missing wells and does not run from well 1-12 in a row.
Confirmation sheet
Plate submissions should be dropped off with an order confirmation sheet (available to print after web ordering via our “Sample submission” page).
[Optional] sample sheet
You may submit a sample sheet with your submission if you wish. If you do not send us an Excel form with your sample names, they will be named as follows: [Researcher code]-[Plate name]-[well position].
PLEASE NOTE!! Our facility will be closed on Thursday, November 28 & Friday, November 29, 2024 in observance of the University Holiday. Please have your samples in the pickup buckets by 9:30 on Wednesday, November 27 to ensure processing before the break.
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