Advanced Prototyping Center at Wright Lab

The Advanced Prototyping Center is a fabrication and design support facility to help Yale researchers with custom instrumentation.

Core Website

James A. Nikkel, PhD

Primary contact Supervisor
Hours & Location

Wright Laboratory, 1st floor (272 Whitney Avenue)

About the core

At the Yale Wright Laboratory Advanced Prototyping Center (APC), our mission is to provide a fabrication facility and design support for custom instrumentation. We have designed instruments and parts for groups across campus. We also aim to help researchers develop design skills and educate them about modern prototyping techniques. The APC complements other research shops at Yale that provide traditional machining services and training.


Wright Lab hosts regular workshops introducing capabilities and techniques for equipment found in the Advanced Prototyping Center (APC).  Workshop times are posted on our event calendar.  

For more information about the workshops, please contact James Nikkel, the Associate Director for Instrumentation and Education.  

For more information about Wright Lab’s facilities, please see the Facilities page.



James A. Nikkel, PhD Research Scientist

Deputy Director

Arina B. Telles Physics graduate student

Engineering Support

James Wilhelmi Research Support Specialist, Wright Lab

Faculty Director

Karsten Heeger, PhD Professor of Physics