Services Core/facility: Keck Microarray Shared Resource

Single-cell genomics and proteomics analysis: Parse Biosciences

About the service

The Cell is the Reaction Vessel

The Evercode™ solution from Parse Biosciences converts each cell or nucleus into an individualized reaction compartment. This approach steps away from the limitations of hardware-based offerings by evolving the assay for a more elegant, simple solution to single-cell (scRNA-Seq) and single-nuclei sequencing (snRNA-Seq).

Fix Now, Run Later

Fix cells or nuclei as they're available to lock in the biology. After a 30-minute fixation, samples are stable for 6 months. Whether working on a timecourse study, sharing samples between laboratories, or segregating sample preparation from core lab space, fixation provides the flexibility to work the way you desire.

No Instrument Required

Conventional droplet-based single-cell technologies struggle as cell or experiment sizes change. Parse makes it easy to scale your experiments regardless of cell size or sample type. The Evercode™ split-pool combinatorial barcoding technology, originally based on the approach published in Science and known widely as SPLiT-Seq, is accessible to any standard biology lab.

Available to Yale researchers & external researchers

Core website


Sample submission

Project consultation: We strongly recommend a consultation meeting before starting your first Single Cell project. Consultations are free for investigators utilizing the KMSR's single cell service. To request a meeting please contact Guilin Wang.

Scheduling your experiment: The single-cell service is by appointment only. You must have an appointment prior to submitting samples. Submission appointments should be made a minimum of one week in advance of your anticipated submission date. This prevents scheduling conflicts and ensures the appropriate reagents are available and at the correct temperatures for immediate use (having samples sit while we bring reagents to temperature may negatively impact data). We will make effort to accommodate appointments made 24-48 hours before submission, but we cannot guarantee availability.

To schedule a submission appointment, please contact Evelyn Ng at

Sequencing request

To request sequencing at Yale Center for Genome Analysis with the prepared library, please use WiKiLIMS system.


Non-Yale investigators

Please contact with the details of your project (or call 203-737-3031) and you will be forwarded to the appropriate manager.

Once your workflow fully transitions to the wiki, you will be able to track sample progress in real time by either logging in or by automatic email updates.

The site works best using the LATEST version of Firefox or Chrome.

New users

For new users, kindly request an account here and bookmark the page.


As of 7/1/2023

ServicesYale userNon-Yale user
ParseBio scRNA Library Prep (starting from cDNA*, per 10k cells, without reagents)$525$713

If the library prep is starting from fixed cells, the first sublibrary prep cost would be $1050 for Yale users and $1426 for non-Yale users. Subsequent libraries would be $525 each for Yale and $713 each for non-Yale users.