In Vivo Imaging (IVI) Facility

The core offers researchers access to an upright two-photon laser scanning microscope optimized for in vivo fluorescence imaging studies. Training or direct staff assistance is available in surgical preparations, imaging acquisition, and data analysis.

Core Website

David Gonzalez, MHS LAT

Facility Manager
Request Services or Equipment Access
Hours & Location

The Anlyan Center (TAC), 300 Cedar Street, rooms S-614 and S-600

About the core

The core provides support for Yale investigators interested in utilizing two-photon fluorescence microscopy to achieve their research goals. It is responsible for novel protocol and methods development and is designed to serve as a clearinghouse for expertise and experience, being able to translate newly successful approaches to multiple projects and investigators.

It is the core’s goal to assist investigators in experimental design and implementation and to provide training for those whom wish to learn surgical preparations, imaging acquisition, and data analysis at the facilities image workstation utilizing Imaris software (Oxford Instruments).


  • Microscope suite
  • LaVision Biotec TriMScope
  • PC workstation with Imaris software (Oxford Instruments)

Services include specimen preparation, user training, and advice on experimental design.




David Gonzalez, MHS LAT Research Associate II
