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Cell sorting: BD FACSAria at George St

Location & contactTables

This 18-parameter, 5-laser system includes:

  • 100mw 355nm UV laser with 2 PMTs
  • 200mw 405nm violet laser with 6 PMTs
  • 200mw 488nm blue laser with 3 PMTs
  • 200mw 532nm green laser with 4 PMTs
  • 150mw 637nm red laser with 3 PMTs

It can handle UV excitation for cell-cycle and “side-population”-based sorting.

FACSAria II is capable of sorting with 70-, 85-, 100-, and 130-micron nozzles and equipped with FACSDiva 7, which allows for index plate sorting. It also has an aerosol management system and is capable of conducting BSL-1 and BSL-2 sorts. 

To schedule a sort, please make a request in PPMS. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Kelly.

BD Biosciences website

Location & contact

300 George St., room 2331 
Contact: Jennifer Kelly


UV laser: 355 nm, 100 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A675/50635LPHoechst, Side Population
B450/50 Indo-1 (Violet), DAPI, Alexa Fluor 350, 
or BUV395 with 379/28 BP filter
Violet laser: 405 nm, 200 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A780/60750LPQdot 800
695LPQdot 705
C670/30635LPQdot 655
D610/20595LPQdot 605
E525/50505LPAmCyan, V500, Pacific Orange, 
Alexa Fluor 430, CFP
F450/50 Pacific Blue, V450, BFP
Blue laser: 488nm, 200 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A710/40685LPPerCP-Cy5.5, PI(with PE) 
B582/15555LPPE, PI
C525/50505LPFITC, AlexaFluor488, CFSE, GFP, YFP
Green laser: 532 nm, 200 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
C616/23595LPPE-Texas Red, RFP
D575/26 DsRed, PE, RFP
Red laser: 640nm, 150 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A780/60750LPAPC-Cy7, Alexa Fluor 750, Alexa Fluor 780
B730/45685LPAPC-Cy5.5, Alexa Fluor 700
C670/30 APC, Alexa Fluor 647

Downloadable files

Cell sorting rules