A scientist in a lab coat is working at a hood

Cell sorting: BD FACSAria at Amistad

Location & contactTables

This BD FACSAriaII is is equipped with a biosafety cabinet, allowing one to sort unscreened human material. Learn more at the BD Biosciences website. For more detailed information or to schedule a sort, please contact Ewa Menet at 203-785-2299.

Location & contact

Amistad building, room 416
Contact: Ewa Menet, 203-785-2299


UV laser: 355 nm, 24 mW
PMTBandpassLong pass Fluorochrome
A740/35690 LPBUV737
B450/50410 LPAlexaFluor 350, DAPI
C379/29 BUV395
Violet laser: 405 nm, 200 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A710/50685 LPQdot 705
B670/30635 LPQdot 655
C610/20600 LPQdot 605, BV605
D525/50505 LPAmCyan, Horizon V500
E450/50 Pacific Blue, BV421, Horizon V450

Filters for BV786 are also available (780/60 and 755LP).

Blue laser: 488 nm, 100 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A682/33635 LPPerCP-Cy5.5
B515/20505 LPFITC, AlexaFluor488, CFSE, GFP, YFP
C488/10 SSC
Green laser: 532 nm, 150 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A780/40740 LPPE-Cy7, PE-AF750
B710/50685 LPPE-Cy5.5
C660/40640 LPPE-Cy5, PE-AF647
D610/20600 LPAF594, PE-Texas Red, AF568, PI, Rhodamine-B
E575/26 PE, DsRed, RFP, Pyronin-Y, PKH26
Red laser: 637 nm, 140 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A780/60755 LPAPC-Cy7, Alexa Fluor 750, Alexa Fluor 780
B710/50685 LPAPC-Cy5.5, Alexa Fluor 700
C660/20 APC, Alexa Fluor 647