BD FACSAria at George St
Yale Flow Cytometry Facility: Flow cytometry cell sorting
Location: 300 George St. Room 2331
Contacts: Jennifer Kelly
The 18-parameter, 5-laser system includes:
- 100mw 355nm UV laser with 2 PMTs
- 200mw 405nm Violet laser with 6 PMTs
- 200mw 488nm Blue laser with 3 PMTs
- 200mw 532nm Green laser with 4 PMTs
- 150mw 637nm Red laser with 3 PMTs
It can handle UV excitation for cell-cycle and “side-population”-based sorting.
FACSAria II is capable of sorting with 70, 85, 100, and 130 micron nozzles and equipped with FACSDiva 7, which allows for index plate sorting. It also has an aerosol management system and is capable of conducting BSL-1 and BSL-2 sorts.
To schedule a sort please make a request in PPMS. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Kelly.
PMT | Bandpass | Long Pass | Fluorochrome |
A | 675/50 | 635LP | Hoechst, Side Population |
B | 450/50 | Indo-1 (Violet), DAPI, Alexa Fluor 350, or BUV395 with 379/28 BP filter |
PMT | Bandpass | Long Pass | Fluorochrome |
A | 780/60 | 750LP | Qdot 800 |
B | 710/50 | 695LP | Qdot 705 |
C | 670/30 | 635LP | Qdot 655 |
D | 610/20 | 595LP | Qdot 605 |
E | 525/50 | 505LP | AmCyan, V500, Pacific Orange, Alexa Fluor 430, CFP |
F | 450/50 | Pacific Blue, V450, BFP |
PMT | Bandpass | Long Pass | Fluorochrome |
A | 710/40 | 685LP | PerCP-Cy5.5, PI(with PE) |
B | 582/15 | 555LP | PE, PI |
C | 525/50 | 505LP | FITC, AlexaFluor488, CFSE, GFP, YFP |
488/10 |
PMT | Bandpass | Long Pass | Fluorochrome |
A | 780/60 | 750LP | PE-Cy7 |
B | 670/30 | 635LP | PE-CY5 |
C | 616/23 | 595LP | PE-Texas Red, RFP |
D | 575/26 | DsRed, PE, RFP |
PMT | Bandpass | Long Pass | Fluorochrome |
A | 780/60 | 750LP | APC-Cy7, Alexa Fluor 750, Alexa Fluor 780 |
B | 730/45 | 685LP | APC-Cy5.5, Alexa Fluor 700 |
C | 670/30 | APC, Alexa Fluor 647 |