Analysis: LSRII Ami

UV laser: 355 nm 60 mW 

PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
410LPDAPI**, Alexa Fluor 350 
C379/28 BUV395**

**DAPI and BUV395 should not be used together. Additional filters are necessary for calcium flux and side population detection. Please see the staff about filter swaps. 

Violet laser: 405nm 50 mW 

PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
B610/20595LPBV605, Alexa Fluor 605, QDot605
C525/50505LPAlexa Fluor 430, CFP, Am Cyan, Pacific Orange
D450/50 Cascade Blue, Pacific Blue, Sky Blue, Alexa Fluor 405, BFP, CFP, Hoechst 

Blue laser: 488 nm 50 mW 

PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A685/35630LPPerCP, EMA, PercP-Cy5.5
B525/50505LPFITC, GFP, PKH67, CFSE, Alexa Fluor 488, YFP*
C488/10 SSC

*YFP: If detecting YFP and GFP, ask for filter changes on A and B PMTs.

Green laser: 532 nm 150 mW 

PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A780/60735LPPE-Cy7, PE-Alexa750
C675/20630LPPE-Cy5, PE-Alexa647
D610/20600LPAlexa Fluor 594*, PE-Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 568**, PI, Rhodamine-B, PI
E575/26 PE, DsRed, RFP, Pyronin-Y, PKH26

* Alexa Fluor 594 only 25% Ex. 
**Alexa Fluor 568 only 34% Ex.

Red laser: 640 nm 70 mW 

PMTBandpassLong passFluorochrome
A780/60755LPAPC-Cy7, Alexa Fluor 750*
B710/50690LPAlexa Fluor 680, Alexa Fluor 700
C660/20 APC, Alexa Fluor 647

*Alexa Fluor 750 only 18% Ex.