Analysis: BD Symphony

Location & contactTables

The core has two identically configured BD Symphonies. Each is a 6-laser system capable of detecting in 33 different channels. Please see the configuration below for details and view the Symphony resource page. Another way of viewing the configuration is using Fluorofinder website, a useful panel building tool listing reagents from multiple companies. You can go to and follow Tools--> Flow Cytometry Panel Builder-->> Select your Instrument (after choosing Yale and School of Medicine FACS Facility from the drop-down menu).

The Symphonies are equipped with a 561 nm yellow-green laser; this is different from the LSRIIs and Fortessas, which have 532 nm green lasers. You should expect your PE and PE-tandem dyes to appear brighter than they did before. Less antibody might be required to avoid extreme adjustments on the sensitive detectors of this model.

Some fluorescent proteins that were barely detectable with a 532 nm laser will appear significantly brighter with 561 excitation. mCherry, mKate, and mRaspberry will perform much better with this laser line.

The Facility offers remote Symphony training for experienced LSRII/Fortessa users. Whether you've trained on the instrument before the pandemic and are looking for a refresher, or you've just decided you want to start using our sensitive 6-laser cytometers, our training video will raise your confidence to use the Symphony. Please contact Jennifer Kelly for information about Symphony training. 

Both Symphonies are available 24/7 once you are an approved, trained user.

Location & contact

  • Symphony A in The Anlyan Center (TAC) S613
  • Symphony B in lab 2331 at 300 George St. This cytometer shares the room with a FACSAria sorter.

Contact: Jennifer Kelly

Downloadable files

Symphony Configuration


UV laser: 355 nm-60 mW
PMTBandpass     Long passFluorochromeOther optimal
C660/20635BUV661Hoechst red
G450/50410DAPIZombieUV, L/DFix Blue, DyLight 350, Hoechst
H379/28 BUV395 
Violet laser: 405 nm 200 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochromeOther optimal fluorochromes
C710/30690BV711Qdot705, SuperBright702
D660/40635BV650eFluor650NC, eVolve655, Superbright645
E610/20600BV605Qdot605, DyLight405LS, eFluor605NC, eVolve 605
G525/50505BV510L/DFix Aqua, V500, Al430, DyLight405LS, VioGreen
I440/40410BV421Pacific Blue, V450, Al405, CF405M, DyLight405, eFluor450, SuperBright436, VioBlue, Zombie Violet, L/DFixViolet
Blue laser: 488 nm 200 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochromeOther optimal fluorochromes
A 787/42770BB790 
B 750/30730BB750 
C 695/20690BB700PerCP-Cy5.5, BB700, PerCP-eFluor710, PerCP-Vio700
D 670/25630PerCPBB660
E 630/30600BB630 
F515/25505FITCGFP, Al488, CFSE, BB515, DyLight488, Zombie Green
G 488/10 SSC 
Yellow-green laser: 561 nm 150 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochromeOther optimal fluorochromes
D610/20600PE-TxRedmCherry, PE-Dazzle, PE-CF594, PE-Vio615, PE-eFluor610, DyLight594, Zombie Red, L/DFix Red
E586/15 PEDsRed, RFP, tdTomato
Red Laser: 637 nm 140 mW
PMTBandpassLong PassFluorochromeOther Optimal
A780/60750APC-Cy7APC-Fire, APC-Al750, APC-eFluor 780, APC-Vio770, ZombieNIR, L/DfixNIR
C660/20650APCAl647, DyLight633, L/Dfix Far Red
NIR laser: 780 nm 100 mW
PMTBandpassLong passFluorochromeOther optimal
C no optics   


Smiling person with long blonde hair and glasses

Diane Trotta

Staff Scientist