QC analysis troubleshooting guide

Questions about your QC results?

This guide is meant to help with some of the most common questions about TapeStation results. 

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Blank lanes


Blank Lanes

A blank lane happens when there is very little sample signal, causing any background noise to appear higher than normal. In these cases the sample intensity scale shows very small values.

Missing marker peak


Missing marker peak

CAUSE: Sample too concentrated.

SOLUTION: Dilute your sample until it is in the recommended range.

Missing sample peak


Missing sample peak

CAUSE: Sample too dilute.

SOLUTION: Concentrate your sample until it is in the recommended range.

Merged marker peak


Peak merge with marker

CAUSE: Some sample has run concurrently with the Upper Marker

SOLUTION: Ensure your sample is within the recommended sizing range for the applications. 

SOLUTION: Choose the proper assay for your sample size.


Our offerings

Make sure to select the appropriate assay for your samples. 

We offer the following assays:

HS DNA 1000

HS DNA 5000

Genomic DNA



Agilent 220 TapeStation System Troubleshooting Manual

For more in depth troubleshooting, you can read Agilent's troubleshooting guide.

Agilent 220 TapeStation System Troubleshooting Manual