Earth Materials Characterization Center (EMC2)
Kline Geology Laboratory
About the core
The Earth Material Characterization Center (EMC2) consolidates materials physics equipment under one roof for students and postdocs to use to characterize samples.
Electron microscopy and analysis
Hitachi Ultra-High-Resolution Schottky scanning electron microscope SU7000 SEM
- KGL 321
- Contact: Zhenting Jiang
Electron Probe MicroAnalyzer EPMA
- KGL 327
- Contact: Jim Eckert
Optical spectroscopy and X-ray
Raman spectrometer: Horiba-Jobin Yvon HR-800 Raman microscope
- KGL 321
- Contact: Zhenting Jiang
Infrared spectrometer (FTIR): Excalibur FTS 3000 with UMA 600 microscope
- KGL 315
- Contact: Zhenting Jiang
X-ray powder diffractometer Rigaku-Miniflex 600MiniFlex
- KGL 215
- Zhenting Jiang, Jennifer Girard
Sample preparation
M-Prep 6™ grinding/polishing machine
- Contact: Zhenting Jiang
Cressington high-vacuum carbon coater and metal evaporator
- Contact: Zhenting Jiang
- KGL 321
Ion milling system IM4000 (KGL 321)
- Contact: Zhenting Jiang
WELL diamond wire saws
- Contact: Zhenting Jiang, Jennifer Girard
Laser cutter: computer-controlled pulsed near-IR laser cutting tool
- KGL 215
- Contacts: Zhenting Jiang, Jennifer Girard
High-temperature and/or high-pressure sample synthesis and rock deformation
Deltech vertical tube furnaces
- KGL 317
- Contact: Jennifer Girard
High-pressure equipment (all in KGL 313)
Griggs-type deformation apparatus: Jennifer Girard
1000 ton Kawai-type multi-anvil apparatus: Jennifer Girard
Rotational Drickamer apparatus: Jennifer Girard
Available to Yale researchers & external researchers
Core websiteContacts
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
210 Whitney Ave.
New Haven CT, 06511