Provost Announcement - Research Reactivation Phase 3

Vice Provost for Research Michael Crair anounced Phase 3 of Yale’s Research Reactivation, which starts on August 24th. Phase 3 will have similar restrictions on research as Phase 2, although certain undergraduates, new graduate students and long-term visitors are eligible to perform on-campus research if they are part of an approved COVID-19 safety protocol.

Amended September 3, 2020

Attn: All faculty, trainees and staff

Summary: Phase 3 of Yale’s Research Reactivation, with similar restrictions on research as Phase 2, starts on August 24th. In Phase 3, certain undergraduates, new graduate students and long-term visitors are eligible to perform on-campus research if they are part of an approved COVID-19 safety protocol.

Dear Colleagues,

Phase 3 of Yale’s Research Reactivation starts on August 24th, 2020, and will further broaden our academic and research activities by allowing undergraduate students enrolled in residence, new graduate students and semester-long visitors back to campus. With this message I would like to provide general guidance for this newest phase of research reactivation.

Phase 3 of Yale’s Research Reactivation is outlined in detail here. This phase will continue to incorporate the public-health measures that were implemented in previous phases of research reactivation. These include maintaining physical separation of at least 6-feet from others, wearing a face covering in public or office environments or a water-resistant surgical mask while in the lab, dedensification, and other public health measures. These restrictions will continue to limit activities that require close physical proximity, such as group meetings or person-to-person training that would otherwise violate physical distancing restrictions. Working from home, in coordination with your Supervisor or Principal Investigator, is still recommended and strongly encouraged.

Overall permissions and restrictions for Phase 3 research remain the same as those in Phase 2. Principal Investigators who applied for ‘critical research exceptions’ in the spring to continue their research at the beginning of the pandemic (‘Phase 0’), including those performing human subjects research, must register and seek approval of their research safety plans through EHS Integrator for continued access to campus. However, if your research was authorized for Phase 1 or Phase 2, your authorization automatically carries forward into Phase 3, with the same safety plans and restrictions, including:

Phase 3 of Yale’s research reactivation expands some on-campus activities, including:

  • Research by undergraduates enrolled in residence beginning on September 14th and new graduate students beginning August 24th is permitted on-campus, so long as it is consistent with laboratory safety plans and individual school policies, including COVID-19 screening.
  • With the exception of undergraduate visitors from other institutions, semester-long academic visitors to campus are permitted. However, visitors for seminars, colloquia, and other short-term visits are still prohibited. Visitors must conform to all Yale COVID-19 safety measures.
  • Small gatherings are permitted, but must adhere to room occupancy limits set by Yale and the State of Connecticut. Per Yale and state guidelines, rooms, floors, and buildings are limited to either 1 person per 150 square feet or no more than 50% of normal occupancy. ‘COVID-19 Occupancy Limits’ are posted in classrooms, lecture halls and other large rooms.

To register or amend your research, please continue to use EHS Integrator (VPN access required). As during Phase 3 of research reactivation, overall permissions and restrictions for research remain the same as those in Phase 2, new applications for research reactivation will continue to be submitted as Phase 1 or Phase 2 applications in EHS Integrator. Phase 1 or Phase 2 eligible personnel, including graduate students, postdocs, and staff, may be added or removed by “amending” your existing Phase 1 or Phase 2 registration. Qualified undergraduates and long-term visitors may be added to safety plans for Phase 3 research through EHS Integrator using the “Phase 3 – Undergrad and Academic Visitors” registration (see here for instructions).

Note that principal investigators and supervisors remain responsible for sharing safety plans with their lab members. However, all individuals named on a research reactivation registration may also access their group’s safety plans directly [instructions forthcoming] from EHS Integrator. Lab members may not perform Phase 3 research until they have completed all safety training and have reviewed the relevant COVID-19 safety plans.

Thank you for your continued adherence to Yale’s COVID-19 safety measures, and for recognizing the shared commitment of faculty, staff and students to protect the health and safety of our community and neighbors. If you have questions about the safety measures required of you in the lab or on campus, or encounter others who are having difficulty maintaining the required safety measures, please contact your principal investigator, supervisor, or departmental COVID-19 safety officer. It is our shared commitment to these safety measures that will allow us to continue our phased reactivation of research. I wish you all a safe start to the fall semester and greatly appreciate your patience and cooperation as we open our campus to additional academic activity.


Michael C. Crair, Ph.D.
William Ziegler III Professor of Neuroscience

Vice Provost for Research

Whom to Contact with Questions:

Questions about Yale and COVID-19: See

Questions about on-campus research or other research-related issues:
See or contact the Provost’s Office Research Team at

Questions about library services: See or contact

Questions about human resources issues: See or contact the Employee Service Center at or 203-432-5552.

Questions about academic calendars or other concerns about a specific school or program: The school’s dean’s office or dean of students