VPR Announcement - Reminder to Register In-Person Human Subjects Research on EHS Integrator
Vice Provost for Resaerch Michael Crair, Director of the Human Research Protection Program, Linda Coleman, and the co-chairs of the Human Subjects Research Committee, Eric Velasquez and Greg McCarthy, reminded faculty to register in-person human subjects research on EHS Integrator.
Attn: Yale Investigators of human subject research studies and PI proxies
Summary: Reminder to Register In-Person Human Subjects Research on EHS Integrator
Dear Colleagues,
As the number of COVID cases continue to remain high, we write to remind you that all research studies that require in-person interactions with research participants whether on campus or off-campus, including research participants at home, require approval from the Human Subject Research Committee (HSRC). This includes activation of new studies, reactivation of studies that were placed on pause, studies transitioning from remote to in-person visits, and studies that have continued through the pandemic with in-person interactions.
If you have not yet obtained HSRC approval, you must submit your safety plans through EHS Integrator (VPN required) as soon as possible. During this time of high transmission, it is particularly important to register your research on EHS Integrator so you can receive important updates and safety guidance on performing in-person human subjects research.
Please note that the HSRC review is not part of the IRB and ancillary committee review process. Therefore, HSRC approval should not be construed as IRB approval to conduct research that does not already have IRB approval. In addition, IRB approval alone is not sufficient to conduct research with in-person interactions during Yale’s research reactivation.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and vigilance in these trying times. With your support and collaboration, we will be able to provide the safest possible environment for researchers and participants alike.
Michael C. Crair, Ph.D.
William Ziegler III Professor of Neuroscience
Vice Provost for Research
Linda Coleman, J.D.
Director, Human Research Protection Program
Office of Research Administration
Eric Velazquez, M.D.
Robert W. Berliner Professor of Medicine
Co-chair, Human Subjects Research Committee
Gregory McCarthy, Ph.D.
Henry Ford II Professor of Psychology
Co-chair, Human Subjects Research Committee