Developing the Vision for a New Building

Scott Strobel, Provost, announces the charging of two working groups to develop the vision for a new physical science and engineering building.

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to announce the organization of two working groups to develop the intellectual vision for a new physical science and engineering building and to invite you to a town hall meeting to learn more about this initiative.  The town hall meeting will be held on

Tuesday, February 25, 2020
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. 

Kroon Hall Auditorium
195 Prospect Street

We have been exploring the feasibility for a physical science and engineering building in response to the recommendations made by the University Science Strategy Committee (USSC) in 2018.  The building will be focused on the quantum science, engineering, and materials priority, and the cross-cutting initiative of instrumentation development. The USSC recommended that we create a central intellectual hub for the quantum initiative and build a new building to house the cutting-edge experiments and infrastructure needed to advance this field.

In furtherance of this goal, I have charged two working groups to consider the key academic components of such a building.  One group, comprised of faculty from across engineering and the physical sciences, will be led by Karsten Heeger, chair of the physics department. This group will work together with Jeff Brock, FAS dean of science and dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science, to develop the intellectual vision for the building and explore how to bring together faculty from across disciplines to realize the goals of the quantum initiative.  A second group, led by Karsten Heeger and Lisa D’Angelo, associate provost for research, will advise on the integration of technical facilities into the creation of an instrumentation development center. 

President Salovey and I look forward to reviewing their recommendations.  Working from the recommendations, the president and I hope to seek approval from Yale’s board of trustees to plan and build the envisioned structure. 

This is an exciting step forward for science and engineering at Yale.  I look forward to seeing you at the town hall meeting.  


Scott Strobel
Henry Ford II Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry 
Professor of Chemistry