Architectural rendering of new science buildings


Physical Sciences and Engineering Building and
Upper Science Hill Development Project

A generational complex for quantum

The Upper Science Hill program is a generational complex to support quantum science, engineering, and materials​. It will include:

  • New laboratories for ~50 faculty from the Department of Physics, the Department of Applied Physics, Materials Science, and the Yale Quantum Institute, as well as other quantum-focused faculty across the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Convening space for affiliated departments, institutes, centers, and programs that will serve as a magnet for science and engineering at Yale​
  • A university facility to support the design and development of custom instrumentation (AIDC)​
  •  A large and modern cleanroom and core facilities for materials characterization and imaging 


Town Halls

First town hall, February 5, 2020: slide deck
Second town hall, December 12, 2022: slide deck and recording
Third town hall, March 25, 2024: slide deck and recording

Quantum: a strategic priority

The 2018 report of the University Science Strategy Committee included quantum science, engineering, and materials as one of its top priorities.

Read the report

Quantum Initiative marketing material